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Sales A & Neunuebel JP. Acoustic Communication in Mammals: looking at the future of comparative studies. Submitted Molecular Psychology: Brain, Behavior & Society.

Warren MR, Spurrier MS, Sangiamo DT, Clein RS, & Neunuebel JP. Mouse vocal emission and acoustic complexity do not scale linearly with the size of a social group. J
Exp Biol 224, (2021). doi: 10.1242/jeb.243045.​

Sangiamo DT, Warren MR, & Neunuebel JP. Ultrasonic signals associated with different types of social behavior of mice. Nature Neuroscience. 2020 Mar;23(3):411-422. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0584-z.

Warren MR, Clein RS, Spurrier MS, Roth ED, & Neunuebel JP. Ultrashort-range, high-frequency communication by female mice shapes social interactions. Scientific Reports. 2020 Feb 14;10(1):2637. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59418-0

GoodSmith D, Lee H, Neunuebel JP, Song H, & Knierim JJ. Dentate Gyrus Mossy Cells Share a Role in Pattern Separation with Dentate Granule Cells and Proximal CA3 Pyramidal Cells. J Neurosci. 2019 Nov 27;39(48):9570-9584. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0940-19.2019.

Warren MR, Spurrier MS, Roth ED, & Neunuebel JP. Sex Differences in vocal communication of freely interacting adult mice depend upon behavioral context. PLos One, 2018; Sep 21;13(9):e0204527. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204527. eCollection 2018.

Warren MR, Sangiamo DT, & Neunuebel JP. High Channel Count Microphone Array Accurately and Precisely Localizes Ultrasonic Signals from Freely-Moving Mice. Journal Neuroscience Methods, 2018; S0165-0270(17)30431-4.

Knierim JJ, and Neunuebel JP. Tracking the flow of hippocampal computation: Pattern separation, pattern completion, and attractor dynamics. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2015 Oct 26; pii: S1074-7427(15)00188-4. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2015.10.008.

J.P. Neunuebel, A.L. Taylor, B.J. Arthur, and S.E. Roian Egnor. Female mice ultrasonically interact with males during courtship displays. eLife. 2015 May 28; 4. doi: 10.7554/eLife.06203

J.P. Neunuebel and J.J. Knierim. CA3 Retrieves Coherent Representations from Degraded Input: Direct Evidence for CA3 Pattern Completion and Dentate Gyrus Pattern Separation. Neuron. 2014 Jan 22; 81(2):416-27

J.J. Knierim, J.P. Neunuebel, S.S. Deshmukh. Functional correlates of the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex: Objects, path integration, and local-global reference frames. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2013 Dec 23; 369(1635).

J.P. Neunuebel, D. Yoganarasimha, G. Rao, and J.J. Knierim. Conflicts between local and global spatial frameworks dissociate neural representations of the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex.<> J Neurosci. 2013 May 29; 33(22):9246-58.

J.P. Neunuebel and J.J. Knierim. Spatial firing correlates of physiologically distinct cell types of the rat dentate gyrus. J Neurosci. 2012 March 14; 32(11):3848-58

J.J. Siegel, J.P. Neunuebel, J.J. Knierim. Dominance of the proximal coordinate frame in determining the locations of hippocampal place cell activity during navigation. J Neurophysiol. 2008 Jan; 99(1):60-76.

J.P. Neunuebel and M.J. Zoran. Electrical Synapse Formation Disrupts Calcium-Dependent Exocytosis, but not Vesicle Mobilization. Synapse 2005 June 1; 56(3):154-65.


- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”


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