Post-doc Research
We are always looking for talented, creative and motivated postdoctoral candidates to join our team. We are especially interested in individuals with experience in the investigation of neural circuits using electrophysiological (either in vitro or in vivo) or behavioral approaches. Interested candidates should e-mail their CV and contact information of 2-3 references.
Graduate Research
Exceptional and highly motivated students that are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in behavioral and systems neuroscience are always welcomed in the Neunuebel Lab. The lab, which is affiliated with the Behavioral Neuroscience Area within the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, offers diverse research opportunities to study social behavior as well as the neural networks that represent social information. Students interested in joining the lab are strongly encouraged to participate in a 6-week summer internship prior to applying to graduate school. If you are interested in joining the lab as a doctoral candidate or a summer intern, please e-mail Dr. Neunuebel.
Undergraduate Research
Talented and ambitious undergraduate students interested in studying social behavior and the neural circuits that process social information are encouraged to apply for a position in the lab. Students will work in groups of 2-3 and each group will undertake a single project aimed at understanding the social behavior of mice. Groups will be led by the principle investigator or senior lab members. When working in the lab, you can learn about animal behavioral assays, in vivo electrophysiology, neural anatomy, computer programming, sound source localization techniques, and methodologies for manipulating olfactory and auditory sensory information. If you are interested joining the lab or have questions, please e-mail Dr. Neunuebel.