Click the images to see what project each person is currently working on in the lab!

Principal Investigator Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences Email: jneun@udel.edu Phone: 302-831-4811 Office: 114 Wolf

PhD in Neuroscience yma@udel.edu Neural encoding of social experience; bioacoustics; social behaviors

PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience ckawar@udel.edu I am currently studying the potential of mouse vocalizations to act as predictors of behavior, and my long-term research focuses on the effect of sensory deprivation on social interaction.

PhD in Neuroscience deva@udel.edu Neural encoding of social experiences

PhD in Bioinformatics Data Science Automated Social Behavior Classification via Machine Learning

PhD in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience ccol@udel.edu Looking at the complexities of social behavior from developmental and neural perspectives.

PhD in Psychology chrisch@udel.edu Studying olfaction, social and vocal behaviors of mice.

MS in Behavioral Neuroscience zshteyn@udel.edu My research interests revolve around the processes that control behavior, specifically the impact of sensory perception on motor output, and how we can utilize this to improve communication across species.

Lab Manager
Rachel Clein
Summer 2017-Fall 2023; PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience
Lauren Armus
Summer 2017-2020; MS in Biological Sciences
Megan Warren
Summer 2015-Summer 2020; PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience
David Maisson
Fall 2018-Summer 2019; MS in Behavioral Neuroscience